Emotional Management Minute: Don’t Litter In Your House!
Be mindful to choose your words with compassion and avoid littering language all over the place.

Be mindful to choose your words with compassion and avoid littering language all over the place.
Why patience is so valuable.
Listen for two of the secrets to life.
Ask yourself what your anger is trying to teach you. When you bring awareness to your anger, you have a better chance of not irresponsibly starting an anger chain.
A subtle difference in language can mean a world of difference in attitude toward the same event.
Life isn’t about how beautiful you are on the outside, because inner beauty is what really matters.
If you’re struggling right now, hang in there, because the raging fire of change is here to help.
Enjoy the silence that you find
Having goals is wonderful, and they can certainly be helpful for us. But being present right now is a gift beyond any goal.
We cannot control others; we can only control ourselves. So if we put the onus for clear communication on others, well, then the whole thing is out of our hands