Emotional Management Minute: The Influence of Environment
The environment you live in is playing a role in shaping how you experience and live your life.
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The environment you live in is playing a role in shaping how you experience and live your life.
The more you try to change your partner, the more disappointed you will be.
Be mindful of the yes, but game, because if you play it, you’re merely stating your hypocrisy for all to hear….
Listen to yourself, because you’re much wiser than you’re giving yourself credit for being.
There is no fancy advice, just plain practical wisdom: Just do it.
Whatever you’re repeatedly doing, you’re getting very good at doing…..
The more you can quiet your body, the more you will quiet your mind.
Speaking accurately generally equates to actually being heard.
Life is much more gray than black and white.
Here’s what to do when you want attention: Just ask for it.