There is an old adage: “Never go to bed angry.”
Despite the good intentions behind this saying, it might just be time to scrutinize this age-old advice. How many times in your life, after all, have you argued with a loved one when you were simply overly tired? How different might your interactions have been had you gone to sleep instead of continuing to say or even shout things that you later regretted?
In the future, if you are fighting with a loved one when one or both of you is overly tired, by all means, go to sleep and get a good night’s rest. If you wake up in the morning still upset about the issues from the night before, then you’re always welcome to continue arguing. At a minimum, with a good night’s rest, you will have a much better chance of thinking clearly anyway. On the other hand, if the argument really only developed or escalated due to fatigue — you might just be amazed to see how magically the fight (and the anger) can disappear altogether.
By going to bed angry – but refraining from saying things that you will later regret, you might just feel a whole lot better in the morning…