Ask Dr. Conte: Why Can’t I Let Go of My Anger?

“I’m so pissed at my brother right now. The last time we spoke was over a month ago, and we…

The Zapper: Letting Go of the Things That Harm Us

On a special occasion, a young man was given a toy called the “zapper.” The zapper seemed like a fun…

VIDEO: The Ugly Flower: How Jealousy Can Destroy Your Relationships

Jealousy can be crippling. Sometimes people believe that jealousy comes from “caring so much,” but in reality, jealousy comes from…

5 Things You Can Do To Avoid Family Feuds During the Holidays

The holidays can bring unbelievably happy memories, but they can also bring some disastrous family feuds. This holiday season, strive…

Ask Dr. Conte: How Can I Get a Narcissist to Admit They Have A Problem?

Can you help unaware narcissists who are in denial that they have any psychological or emotional issues?   Great question.…

Have the Best Meal of Your Life: Can Denying Ourselves Make Us More Appreciative of What We Have?

Once there was a king who grew so spoiled that he demanded all the chefs in his kingdom cook for…

Ask Dr. Conte: Blowing Your Top – Can Indulging Your Anger Help Relieve Stress?

Do you think a short burst of non-violent anger on occasion is a positive thing as a stress reliever?  …

Compassion for Ourselves, with a Twist

A man emerged from the forest and went and knocked at the spiritual master’s door. “Who’s there?” “It is I.”…