Are Young People Entitled, Accustomed, Lazy, or Clever?

“Kids nowadays are entitled; they think they should get whatever they want with a push of a button.”

“Young people appear to have grown accustomed to a fast-paced world, and they certainly seem to have adapted to being able to navigate through a wide range of options to gain the resources they seek.”

“Kids today are lazy; they don’t even have to put in effort for what they want.”

“Young people today are so clever; they’re resourceful enough to get most things they want very fast.”

Language is powerful. The world is what it is; but you will always feel about it what you say about it. Be aware that your words have more power than you may realize: Not only over others, but also over yourself as well.

So what do you think? Are young people entitled, accustomed, lazy, or clever? What about the rest of the world? What do you think? Be mindful of your answer, though, because it might just say a whole lot more about you than it does the world….