Discover Real World Anger Management, with Dr. Conte and Himalaya Learning

Now Available: Walking Through Anger

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Yield Theory and You
Meet people where they are, not where you think they “should be” already.
3 Ways That You Can Change the World
In his 1952 short story A Sound of Thunder, Ray Bradbury wrote about a futuristic time machine company that took…

How to Help Those Who Don’t Want It
For more than twenty years, my tagline has been, “There are two kinds of people in the world: People with…

Why Understanding the Difference Between Advice-Givers and “Demanders” is Vital
There is a great difference between those who give advice and those who demand that their opinions and perspectives be…

How to Know If Your Confirmation Bias Blinds You
We all think we’re smart. We all think that our perspective is more complete and more insightful than those who…

Men Can Meet, but Mountains Never
A beautiful saying in Jewish traditions is, “Men can meet, but mountains never.” It means if two people view themselves…

You Don’t Really Want Answers to What You’re Asking
Once, there was a man who lost his keys. He looked for them frantically, and then in desperation cried out,…

The Prison of Blame
Once there was a prison that did not have any cells, or walls, or fences. The prison was very real,…
5-Step Process for Letting Go of Grudges
Many people have come to me or written to me over the years asking for help on how they can…
What’s right is right
A man struggled with anger significantly. All his life he was angry. One day, he went to a Zen master…
The Power of Tablets
It's unwise to take the same path and expect to be in a different location. Tablets offer those who are…
How To Gain (And Lose) Credibility
Credibility is earned. The recipe for earning it isn’t complex: Follow through with what you say, say things that are…
Ask Dr. Conte: Can You Recommend Resources for My Angry Son?
Dr. Conte – I enjoyed your talk on KDKA. I have a question. My ex-husband left our family when my…
Ask Dr. Conte: How Can I Get My Child to Listen to Me?
Hi, Dr. Conte, I have a three-year-old son (he will be 4 in January) who is very headstrong and very determined,…
Embrace Positive Thinking
Recently, someone wrote in and asked me the following questions regarding positive thinking. I thought they were great questions, so…
You’re Not Out of Gas: Remain Hopeful for Unexpected Solutions
In 1922 there were 7 million cars in the United States, and the United States Geological Survey estimated that the…